A new website, brand identity, ebook development, book launch trailer, and marketing for an Author.


Cerridwen Fallingstar is an Award-winning author who has taught classes in magic and ritual for over forty years. Nicole has worked with Cerridwen for many years developing her brand, website, ebooks, and online marketing collateral.

Cerridwen has sold about 30% more books and attracted new clients and students with her new website and branding.

Cerridwen Fallingstar’s site was such a fun project and was extremely rewarding to design. Her rich imagery allowed me to weave together many elements and textures to create an experience that is not in the ordinary web world.



  • Website Design

    tool tip of web design

  • Website Development
  • Motion Graphics

    tool tip content

  • ebook development

    tool tip content

  • ï‹‚Online Marketing

    tool tip content

Book Trailer

Website Designs

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