A 2002-2004 Cloud-Based Enterprise Software
In 2001, Telseon was a high-tech Telecommunications company that provided managed gigabit connectivity through its optical network. I was the Art Director/ Web Designer in partnership with MPM-Online for their website, interactive flash components, and virtual tours.
Telseon was a HUGE part of my life in the early 2000’s. The broadband and high tech were bursting out of the box… breaking the bandwidth bottleneck (Telseon’s tagline.) I redesigned their old Cmetric website and brought it into the modern age. Unfortunately, the site design was all in flash.
Online Brand Director with MPM; Online App UI design. Digital Graphics Design. Art Direction. Web Site Design. Interactive Flash Demos. HTML Email Campaign/ Database Programming for Web. Flash Animations for Web, PPT, and Banners Overview Brochure Product Promotions. Implemented front-end Style Guides
In collaboration with MPM, I transformed the old TELSEONwebsite into a cutting-edge tech website. We helped the business grow from a small start-up to a large multi-million dollar tech company.
- PUI Designer
- Art Director
- PBrand Identity Design